Got parking questions? We’ve got answers!
Got parking questions? We’ve got answers!
If you’re joining us for a weekend tournament here at Game On, you’ll find that we’ve updated our parking procedures to ensure the highest quality facility possible. You’ll find the answers to all of your parking FAQs below.
As always, our goal is to be the best state-of-the-art facility in the New England area and we want your experience to be the best it can be here at Game On!
How much is parking at Game On?
Parking can be purchased at any time during the week. The cost of parking for one day is $10. If you need parking for two days, it will cost you $15. For a three-day parking duration, the price is $20.
How do I pay for parking?
All customers will be allowed to enter the facility for weekend tournaments without disruption or challenges with getting in and finding a spot. Parking kiosks are set up throughout the inside of the facility where each customer can pay for their parking.
Customers will receive a paper and/or electronic receipt at the time of the purchase and will need to show/hand in their receipt at the gate when leaving.
Where do I show my parking receipt?
Staff, along with a police officer, will be located at the gate as you exit to process your receipt. You’ll find lanes for both prepaid customers and those who may have forgotten to pay.
What if I forgot to pay for parking?
All signage will be clearly marked inside and outside the facility alerting all customers of the process and the price. But we understand that sometimes we all forget!
When leaving, you’ll find lanes for both prepaid customers and anyone that might have forgotten to pay inside. (Of course, it will be a lot quicker getting out if you pay inside!)